Swimming pool manufacturers

Make your prospects want to take the plunge right away with our 3D pool design software!


Logyline can help you with the following challenges:  

Reply to need for projection future pool owners with an innovative solution

Save time in the sales process thanks to improved sales efficiency

Improving sales techniques with advice and service, based on one or more 3D simulations

Reassure customers about your professionalismeven before construction!

Software for swimming pool builders and renovators

3D for construction

Building a swimming pool is a radical change in a garden! The indispensable Augmented Reality or 3D projection will enable the future owner to better visualize the modifications and adapt his initial ideas. The customer is reassured by the visual, which builds confidence and reduces the time needed for reflection. With logyconcept3D, specialized pool software for over 10 years, 3D pool construction takes less than 3 minutes!

3D for renovation

With so many pools being built, renovation is an important market for all professionals in the sector. Naturally, pool owners have a lot of questions about the changes to be made to their pools, which they've seen in style every day for several years. Whether it's a change of liner or coping, or even a more complete renovation involving a change in the shape of the pool, 3D and Augmented Reality are of significant importance. Logyconcept3D is perfectly suited to this type of project!

3D simulation or Augmented Reality reassures and convinces your customers

Personalizing your pool project 

Using 3D and AR software offers real advantages for pool professionals! They can create professional, high-quality, realistic plans that help their customers project themselves. And a confident customer buys! 

A picture is worth a thousand words... With an Augmented Reality pool simulation presented to the customer, the pool builder can help the customer make the right decision: modify the position of the pool, its size, add accessories such as a roller shutter... The project is personalized with logyconcept3D before it is even carried out. The use of a complete outdoor landscaping simulator is a real asset when it comes to presenting a concrete project to the customer. 

Logiciel piscine 3D
Logiciel 3D Piscine

3D pool design, with or without photos! 

Logyconcept3D is the software for pool designers! The addition of a photo allows you to rethink the space, optimizing it according to the needs and expectations of your customers. After all, the outdoors is now considered a real living space for private individuals! 

What about renovation? The benefits for the pool owner and the pool builder are the same!

3D, day and night 

Surprising the customer is essential, because emotion is an indispensable component of the purchasing act. As a sales professional, you know that today we no longer sell, we offer the customer an experience. Offering a project in 3D or Augmented Reality, with a range of different proposals, including a night mode, is a positive way to surprise customers and make them dream of the beautiful summer evenings that await them by the pool. Logyconcept3D is the software for pool designers, who can create any type of pool in 3D.

Logiciel piscine 3D
logiciel piscine 3D

3D pool design: also useful for renovation and pool staging! 

Helping customers to project themselves is important, even when making changes to their existing pool. For a liner renovation, for example, it's possible to recreate the pool in 3D (in less than 5 minutes!), change the color of the liner and then integrate the pool on top of the existing one. For pool staging, which is essentially a makeover of the existing space, you can play on the atmosphere by adding decorative objects, or even a relaxation area. 

The benefits of specialized pool software

logiciel pisciniste

Administrative relief with the Déclaration de travaux de piscine (declaration of pool work)

Customer support right through to administrative tasks! Relieve your customer by completing the Declaration of Work quickly and easily with logyconcept3D. The software centralizes all the DP required to create the Declaration of Work for a swimming pool in one place. No need to create plans by hand from information retrieved from government websites, no need to assemble each part one by one: everything is included in logyconcept3D for real time savings! Drawing scales are respected, and dimensions are calculated automatically. Make your life easier with logyconcept3D, the software for pool designers!

Technical possibilities  

Logyconcept3D, the software dedicated to pool designers, offers a host of other features, including 2D drawings of parts to be sealed, height views and supplier catalogs. As well as being a 3D drawing software, it also allows you to go further on technical elements. Logyline has been active in the pool sector since the company was founded in 2006, and has designed logyconcept3D to meet the needs of pool construction professionals.

pièce à sceller

3D simulation of pool protection elements

Selling a swimming pool is a much broader topic for pool professionals than you might think. Over and above the moments of happiness offered to future pool owners, there's a primordial subject involved in the sale: pool protection. To guarantee the safety of bathers and comply with the 2003 law requiring the sale of a protection system with the pool, pool professionals have to offer a solution that meets customers' needs. Also, with the various measures to combat water waste and evaporation, protecting your pool is essential. Augmented Reality projection also makes it easier for pool owners to decide which product is right for them. Logyconcept3D offers a range of pool enclosures and roller shutters.

The pool and pool house in 3D

The sale of a pool may also necessitate the construction of a pool house, if there are no existing facilities for storing the components needed to keep the pool running smoothly. Yet another important change for the homeowner, and one that also comes at a cost! Presenting the complete outdoor layout, including pool and pool house, with an overall view of the exterior, will reassure them and help them get through this major change.

Among our 1,000 pool users

Examples of logyconcept3D use by pool professionals


For each customer, Elsa SCANZI creates a file that serves as a basis and simplifies commercial exchanges. The 3D project is communicated to the customer in this way. However, the time spent creating the visuals was a daily burden, adding to the workload. By using logyconcept3D, Elsa has divided the time spent creating a projection by 3, thus lightening her workload.


Customer support is a fundamental value for Piscinelle. Presenting a 3D projection to help customers visualize and realize their pool projects is therefore a matter of course for our advisors. With logyconcept3D, professionals create Augmented Reality projections from photos taken in the customer's garden during the layout study.

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